Lego WeDo Robots

Earthquake Detector

Lego’s WeDo robots can either be programmed with Lego’s own software or with Scratch. Unfortunately, when Scratch updated their website to Scratch 3, they deleted all the code for the original WeDos as the new version doesn’t support them. (WeDo 2.0 does work with Scratch 3.) Fortunately, I had kept copies of my own code for these robots which you can download below, and you can still use the original WeDos with the Scratch 2.0 Offline Editor. You can see these robots in action on my Vimeo channel – in fact I suggest you start there before downloading any as it’s the best way to see what these robots are about.

I also wrote an article for Lego Engineering on WeDo and Scratch.

Official Lego Models

Sailboat Storm

This is my own code for the official WeDo models – the one’s that Lego produce build instructions for.

My own Models


This is Scratch code for models I made myself with the WeDo kits. Each can be made with only a single kit, and a video showing how each of the models work can be found on my Vimeo channel (see above). I have also included photographs of most of the models as backgrounds within the Scratch Code itself, which should be enough to let you rebuild them yourself.

Useless Machine

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